Thursday, August 27, 2020

New City New Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

New City New Experience - Essay Example continually attempting to locate a decent in what you feel is awful; this makes it a tiny bit simpler to adapt up and adjust. This is actually what the video instructs us-to take a gander at the brilliant side of things and understand that one could have been in far more awful circumstance than one is in the present moment. The new city, new encounters video opens with an injection of Ayers Street and the camera dish to a market. Character1 strolls in and begins looking at the things showed on the showcase racks. A nearby of the thing shot is appeared. Next, the camera shows a blue vehicle being left outside a similar market and character 2 coming out of the entryway. Both the characters in the video are familiar. Chracter2 welcomes chracter1 while the last communicates his sentiments about the significant expenses that he found in the market. He says that the costs are far higher that what he is utilized to in his nation of origin. Chracter2 clarifies that living in a created nation like the states accompanies a cost on the grounds that the base typical cost for basic items is very high. In any case, he additionally makes character1 understand that since they live in Edmond they are more fortunate in light of the fact that the general typical cost for basic items in Edmond is moderately low than the average cost for basic items in different urban areas of America. Character1 is appreciative to God for this and both the characters go separate ways. The scene starts in a dim road with just the road billboard. The camera dish right indicating a streetlight. Maybe the main light that light up the whole road stretch. The camera keeps on panning right and stops at a little supermarket. The initial itself is a marker of the subject of the video. The camera container from left to right beginning from a dim road and completion in a genuinely lit spot which also is a marker of the center topic of the video for example regardless of what circumstance you are in consisten tly look on the splendid side of things. The road light in the scene is additionally objective here since the street is dim and it is just the light that is obvious; this again is infers the focal subject of the video. The camera is in the store and we character1 strolling and entering the shop. He is wearing a dark shirt and looks all around prepared. The character has a repressed face and oozes an introvert’s non-verbal communication. He strolls past the magazine stand and head straightforwardly towards a showcase rack. He gets a Snickers bar. The camera zooms in and shows just chracter1’s hands and the snickers bar. The camera at that point centers around the bar demonstrating that even chracter1 is concentrating on the bar all the more especially on the cost imprinted on the rear of the bundle. The appearance on the essence of character1 changes to that of shock. The way that he watches astounded in the wake of discovering the cost of the thing uncovers that he isn 't acquainted with purchasing such profoundly evaluated items. Maybe, he is new around (since till here the video doesn't uncover his experience). Next the camera shows a car’s fog light which is again a pointer of the focal topic of the video. The vehicle is sparkling blue one and we see character2 turning off the motor and venturing out of the vehicle. The look on character2’s face oozes certainty and his step is loose and sure as well. He approaches the passageway of the market and meets character1. He welcomes chracter1 by his name-Mohammad and Mohammad answers that he is fine. Character2 enquire of Mohammad what he had been up to and Mohammad clarifies

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics For Christians

Argumentative Essay Topics For ChristiansArgumentative essay topics for Christians are often different from those of the non-religious. There are many different reasons for this. Although the main reason is simply the fact that people with a faith background often find it more difficult to argue their points and they tend to be less inclined to writing on these topics. So, I am going to list some arguments that may be used when you write your argumentative essay topics for Christians.First off, 'God is love' is probably one of the most common arguments Christians will use. This is because they will feel that by saying this, they are expressing something that many non-Christians may also believe in. They will therefore argue that it is not uncommon for them to talk about love and how much they believe in it. They will then give examples of other individuals who use arguments that are similar to theirs.The argument is not a new one, as many others have used it in many books and article s. However, it is common for Christian individuals to use it when addressing Christian arguments. In my opinion, it is often used because it makes more sense to their audience and they can use it to promote their own religion without being called on it.Secondly, 'religion is the root of all evil' is probably another argument Christians will use. It is not a very popular one for non-Christians and therefore it is often treated as very original when used by Christians. In some ways, I think it is quite silly to use this argument because many religions have gotten out of hand.For example, many political figures will use this argument when addressing many different personalities. Some people will use this argument because it is such a tired one, and they can't find a better one to use. But, there are many others who will use this argument because it is a common one.Thirdly, 'anyone can make mistakes' is a common argument Christian's will use. They will argue that if the religious point is that everyone is flawed, it is therefore a false argument. Therefore, they will state that anyone can make mistakes and that this fact means that all religious groups should be ignored. In addition, they will argue that this means that the religious point is not very important.An argument is not very important if it is not answered. And if that is the case, then we must move on to the next argument. This makes sense in theory, but it does not actually work in real life. Therefore, I would never say that anyone can make mistakes if they cannot answer any of the issues.As you can see, there are many arguments used by people when writing essay topics for Christians. But, there are also arguments that are used by religious people and it depends on the exact type of argument.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Limits and Merits of Small sample surveys

Cutoff points and Merits of Small example studies Presentation When directing examination, scientists regularly utilize various techniques for gathering the information required for investigation. One of the ordinarily utilized strategies for information assortment is review. Review for the most part involves the way toward social affair quantitative data concerning the points of interest of a population.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Limits and Merits of Small example studies explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In many occurrences, the populace is typically too enormous to even consider having an overview led on the complete things in the populace (Stat Pac, 2011, p.1). Subsequently, specialists ordinarily select utilizing an example overview to gather information and make surmisings of the entire populace dependent on it. An example overview is in this way the review led on the chose things of the all out populace. Test overviews are in certainty the favored strategy for information asso rtment since they are dependable just as time and cost sparing. By picking test overview as the strategy to gather and dissect information on the social estimations of the association, Superb Consultants have settled on the correct decision. Through the example overview, Superb Consultants will have the option to talk with part of the representative populace to accumulate data on the social estimations of the association. Be that as it may, their proposition of having the size of the example size little will undoubtedly bring a ton of contention. This is on the grounds that little example overviews have the two points of interest and constraints. Favorable circumstances of little example review Having the size of the example overview little has the accompanying advantages. For one, the time taken to direct the review will be diminished. In this, the overview will be finished in the most limited time conceivable subsequently permitting time for investigation. Besides, the expense of the examination will be limited (Math zone, 2011, p.1). The way toward leading reviews is regularly costly because of the materials required, for example, fixed and other information assortment materials relying upon the sort of study. Furthermore, a little example overview will require less enumerators just as a littler group of managers along these lines eliminating the expense. Cutoff points of a little example review Despite the way that the example study is illustrative of the all out populace, the absolute number of things overviewed ought not be excessively little. This is on the grounds that a little example review will have constraints particularly with regards to making inductions of the all out populace. In any case, a little example review won't be a full portrayal of the complete populace along these lines prompting inclination (Cortes et al, n.d, p. 1). This is on the grounds that a portion of the things might be ignored when structuring the example size along these li nes discarding some of significant things from the information. On the off chance that this occurs, the deductions made dependent on the little example study won't be a finished portrayal of the all out populace in this manner giving incorrectly surmisings. For example, on account of Superb Consultants, they may wind up talking a greater amount of the new workers who may have almost no information on the social estimations of the organization.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are additionally prospects of having the overview rehashed if the size of test study is little. This comes about when a portion of the respondents are uncooperative consequently prompting less information gathered. At the point when the example review is satisfactory, such occasions are uncommon since the information gathered in spite of the uncooperative respondents will be adequate to make deductions. End Given the conversation on the cutoff points and merits of little example overviews, it very well may be reasoned that huge or satisfactory example reviews are liked. This is a result of the limits that come close by with little size example studies, which lead to wrong induction accordingly examination. Accordingly, the proposition of Superb Consultants isn't productive, as it will in all likelihood lead to wrong ends being made on the social estimations of the association. Reference List Cortes, C. Mohri, M. Riley, M., and Rostamizadeh, A. (n.d). Test Selection Bias Correction Theory. Web. Math zone. (2011). Test Survey and Advantages of Sampling. Web. Detail Pac. (2011). Overview Sampling Methods. Web.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Direct Health Care Costs For Health Services Essay

Direct health care costs to health services: 1- Staffing : cardiologists 2- Training costs 3- Inpatient services and hospital admission 4- Diagnostic procedures 5- Post-operative care cost ,such as imaging services and ECG costs, and medical devices 6- Consumables : e.g. drugs, suture, dressing, gown 7- Outpatient clinic costs, follow up care, such as cardiologists visit 8- Costs of treating of side effects such as, GPs visit 9- Capital costs: spaces required to provide the new intervention 10- Overhead costs such as, administration, light, heat, and cleaning which is supplied centrally (1). Societal perspective includes direct health care cost, direct non-health care costs, and indirect costs. Direct non-health care costs: costs associated with patients and families 1- Over the counter drugs for eliminating side effects 2- Co- payment for the hospital admission, cardiologists, imaging services, ECG, and GPs 3- Additional costs of being in the hospital, post-operative care, follow up visit, such as, child minding. 4- Travel costs to hospital, GPs, outpatient clinic. 5- Wage lost due to being unable to work. Indirect cost: it is related to time value 1- Reduced productivity at work due to side effects. 2- Incapacity for work such as, short-term loss due to being undertaken new intervention, follow up care, post-operative care, GPs consultation, cardiologist visit),and long-term loss, such as, early retirement (1). Technical efficiency or inside program efficiency isShow MoreRelatedOral Health System Of Australia Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesLITERATURE REVIEW 1. Oral health system in Australia A health system defined as ‘all the activities whose primary purpose is to promote, restore and/or maintain health’ (WHO 2013). A good health system is indicated by its capability to delivers quality services, when and where the people need them (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2014). Australia’s health-care system is a combination of public welfare and private market provision (Willis, Reynolds Keleher 2009). There are multipleRead MoreHealth Care Case Study1567 Words   |  7 Pagestheir caregivers due to an inability to work due to the TB. However, the authors did not specify clearly whether their cost estimation covered the pre-designated hospital/TB dispensary treatment expenditure, although their discussion seemed to indicate so. Studies from the COMDIS-HSD estimated the direct medical expenditure that TB patients spent from the first contact of health care to completion of TB treatment in the TB designated hospitals/TB dispensaries. They only included TB patients withoutRead MoreThe National Health Service System1282 Words   |  6 PagesThe National Health Service (NHS), established in 1948, is Great Britain s universal health care system. Unlike that of the USA, the NHS is a single payer system, covering ~100% of if its citizens and â€Å"ordinarily† residents. While supported by a number of other agencies and public bodies, the NHS is overseen by the Department of Health, which is responsible for funding of health and social services and creating policies and legislation. The NHS covers preventative services; inpatient and outpatientRead MoreHealthcare Consumerism And Health Care926 Words   |  4 PagesHealth care consumerism positions the consumer at the center of their own health care. Consumers are able to make informed health care decisions and be an essential element of the decision making process. 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The Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model seeks to reverse these trends byRead MoreThe Interdependence Of The Health System1557 Words   |  7 PagesHealth system is defined as â€Å"all activities whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, and maintain health† (WHO, 2000). All activities in the â€Å"system† can be assumed as an organization of components and their interconnections that work together for a purpose, which is concerned with people’s health. In other words, a system has many parts as a set of interrelated components to achieve a common goal (Shi Singh, 2014). The interdependence of the health system can be regarded as the functionsRead MorePrimary Health Care And Secondary Care Essay1697 Words   |  7 Pagesother health professionals, hospitals, clinics and g overnment and non-government agencies. There are two main types of healthcare institutions in Australia: primary health care and secondary care. Primary health care is basically people’s first point to contact with when they are ill or in bad health condition and is often provided outside the hospital services. â€Å"Primary health care is delivered in a variety of settings, including general practices, Aboriginal and Community Controlled Health ServicesRead MoreSignificant Health Care Event Essay862 Words   |  4 Pagesquality health care to all the people irrespective of their race, age, sex, and class, is the main objective of an efficient health care system. The health care system has evolved in various preventive and promotional policies, programs and practices adopted by the United States health departments, in order to develop and improve the health of the people. A major reform has occurred in health care financing, which provides health care options in order to attain the universal health care coverageRead MoreHealth information exchange Essay1592 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Devry University Health Information Exchange 4/8/2013 Table of Contents Cover Page: Page 1 Table of contents: Page 2 Introduction of HIE: Page3 Outline US History of HIE: Page 4-5 Benefits of HIE: Page 5-6 Privacy and Security: Page 6-7 Challenges: Page 7-8 Conclusion: Page 8 Works Cited: Page 9 In 1990 Hartford Foundation funds, â€Å"Community Health Management Information Systems.† They gave grants to seven states and cities to develop those early prototype HIE’s. HIE focusesRead MoreThe Benefits Of Software Development With Technology In Healthcare Services981 Words   |  4 PagesToday’s innovations in health care propels by technology and creation of new enterprise. An innovative approach to managing the health care needs of the company more efficiently is to develop of software development with technology. â€Å"Health care economists estimate that 40–50% of annual cost increases can be traced to new technologies or the intensified use of old ones† (Callahan, p. 78-82). Many medical companies, offices, hospitals, and clinics are using technology base software solution to the

Friday, May 15, 2020

Space Colonization A New Frontier - 1710 Words

Space Colonization: A New Frontier As the possibility of space colonization and development begins to loom large, more and more people are beginning to question how such development will be pursued and what effect it will have on humans and the environment. Scientists are considering the feasibility of space colonization and its worth of study compared to other fields. Ethicists and environmentalists wonder how ethical it is to change the space environment and what consequences come with doing so. Politicians face the question of governance and law-making in the space frontier. The viewpoints toward space colonization are not simple to categorize as pro and contra, rather they are multi-layered and based on several fields of study, in†¦show more content†¦Preservationism is problematic to space colonization because it requires that everything natural holds intrinsic value, including rocks and planetary surfaces (Fogg 209). If preservationism was the accepted ethical theory, it would rule space colonization as immoral. Fogg finishes his paper by formulating an argument against preservationism. Fogg’s first premise is that humans are just as natural as any other natural object: â€Å"Human consciousness, culture, creativity and the technological artefacts produced thereby are thus not unnatural. They have arisen from the same physics that gave birth to the cosmos and the same process of biological evolution† (Fogg 210). His second premise states that preservationism, by making it impermissible for man to change to planet, â€Å"amounts to saying that humans actually have the lowest degree of intrinsic worth of any class of formed object. Rocks are free to rust and crumble over the aeons, asteroids and meteorites free to batter the Martian surface [†¦]† (210). Fogg’s article serves two purposes in the discussion of space colonization. One, it makes it clear that there are certain ethical theories, like preservationism, that could in fact provide an argument against space development if supported. Second, the article offers a convincing

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer

Taste of Adventure Changing your life should not be to run away from your problems; but to do what is best for you. In Into the Wild (1996), Jon Krakauer writes this biographical novel in order to inform readers about a young man named Chris McCandless, who changes his name to Alexander Supertramp, and his identity. Raised in a middle class family with both parents in the suburbs located in Washington, D.C. McCandless is an idealist, intellectual young man who graduated with honors from Emory University on the 12th of May in 1990. Throughout the novel, from the Author’s Note to Chapter Five: Bullhead City, Chris McCandless pushes himself to the extremes by changing his well-income lifestyle to become a hitchhiker who believes that his life is best alone in the wilderness, unprepared. On the other hand, Walden on Wheels (2013), from Author’s Note to Chapter One: Cart Pusher, Ken Ilgunas writes a memoir of a chapter in his life in order to inform readers a true life story he went through. As a young man alternating for universities to finally graduating from Duke University with a liberal arts degree, Ilgunas struggles to pay his $32,000 student debt. From living in an apartment to living in his van to avoid further student loans, Ilgunas believes that his life is better than what he is living as and seeks off to change his life in freedom. While both novels: Into the Wild and Walden On Wheels have a main character with a common plot; their genres, structures of theirShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer1686 Words   |  7 PagesRebellions can have both a negative and positive outcome not matter what the cause. In the book â€Å"Into the Wild†, written by Jon Krakauer, the character Chris McCandless embarks on a journey of ultimate freedom and exemption. Washington and McCandless are similar because they did something most people would not. They both stepped out of the ordinary society and decided to do what th ey think is best. For example, Washington led the Continental Army against the great British Empire, and Chris left hisRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer1669 Words   |  7 PagesElements of Transcendentalism In the book, â€Å"Into the Wild† by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless is an in-the-closet transcendentalist; all of his ethics match up with those of a transcendentalist, yet he never admits he is one. McCandless agrees with all of the components of transcendentalism and follows them unremittingly as soon as he graduates from college, and he lives by those components to a fault, which ultimately led to his death. Deliberate living, nonconformity, and simplicity are three cardinalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Wild By Jon Krakauer1402 Words   |  6 Pageswilderness. The remains were concluded to be those of Chris McCandless, an affluent 20-something from Virginia, who wound up dead following his two-year long self-righteous odyssey. Author Jon Krakauer wrote an article on McCandless for Outside magazine, which later disseminated into a novel titled Into the Wild. At a glance, McCandless and Ellsberg may seem like polar opposites, but after a parsing examination, one can s ee that they are incredibly similar. Both Ellsberg and McCandless advocated forRead MoreInto the Wild: by Jon Krakauer1186 Words   |  5 Pagessense Krakauers natural liking for McCandless. He was sympathetic to McCandless, based on Krakauers sense of a shared experience in their youth and up until McCandless eventual death and Krakauers perceived near death experience on the Devils Thumb. I believe the author’s main point and perspective was formed from his own experience and relationship with his father. While the situations were basically reversed with Chris not approving of his father and Lewis Krakauer disappointed in Jon for notRead MoreIntrospection in How to Tell a True War Story, and Into the Wild1494 Words   |  6 Pagestext, â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story† Tim O’Brien expresses his thoughts about the true war story and how the war story is changed according to the person who tells it. Jon Krakauer illustrates Chris McCandless’s journey into the Alaskan wilderness and reasons for McCandless’s gruesome death in an isolated place, in his book â€Å"Into the Wild.† O’Brien relates introspection and a soldier’s war story by saying that the war story portrays the feelings of a soldier. A soldier’s war story is not the exact warRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Into the Wild1669 Words   |  7 Pag esLiterary Analysis of Into The Wild Imagine spending thirty days alone in a tent or a cabin in the wilderness with no technology, electricity, running water, and any form of communication. Every day you wake up to the sight of the beautiful, tall trees and the various wildlife living in the area. Most of the time, you can hear the many sounds of nature: the majestic songs of birds, the whistling in the wind, and trees rustling. But sometimes all you can hear is nothing but silence. Most of usRead MoreJon Krakauer Is A Popular American Author1393 Words   |  6 PagesJon Krakauer is a popular American author. Most of his work covers the ventures of outdoor. The harsh conditions of life, faced by the heroic figures of different times. His widely read and distributed books include Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman, Under the Banner of Heaven, Into Thin Air and Into the Wild. After winning the title of bestseller for his earlier account of heroic lives, Jon Krakauer again attempted to write a biography of an outstanding and exceptionally patrioticRead MoreAnalysis Of Chris Mccandlessness In Into The Wild870 Words   |  4 Pagespleasure, and fulfilled his lust for adventure, by tramping around the United States. Rather than living the normal life in civilization, Chris felt his love for nature stated when he abandons his family and lives off the land. Jon Krakauer, the author of Into the Wild wrote the book about Chris McCandless aka Alex Supertramp when he died of starvation in the Alaskan wilderness and made headlines. People around the country voiced their opinion on Chris, some believing him to be brave while others a foolRead MoreEssay on Mountains More Dangerous than Everest1156 Words   |  5 Pagesmountains. Sherpas can function high altitudes, which makes them valuable when they carry climbers bags to the camps for them. Jon Krakauer, a climber of Everest during the 1996 disaster, mentioned that he had to chop ice for three hours without help to use for a dozen gallons of water and some of his teammate would shout for more (157). It was at this point that John Krakauer realized how much the Sherpas did for expeditions. Everest also has a limit on the amount of people per expedition so that overcrowdingRead MoreThe Wild And Ambitious Journey Of Chris Mccandless1202 Words   |  5 PagesInto The Wild Analysis Alexander Supertramp: Personification of Courage The story Into The Wild details the spiritual and ambitious journey of Chris McCandless. Chris McCandless is depicted by the author Jon Krakauer as an individual who grew tired of the social perceptions and all the flavorless interactions that occupied it. Despite the career path that was laid in front of him, McCandless sought something more than what materialism had to offer; He sought enlightenment. Due to the cause that Analysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer Elements of Transcendentalism In the book, â€Å"Into the Wild† by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless is an in-the-closet transcendentalist; all of his ethics match up with those of a transcendentalist, yet he never admits he is one. McCandless agrees with all of the components of transcendentalism and follows them unremittingly as soon as he graduates from college, and he lives by those components to a fault, which ultimately led to his death. Deliberate living, nonconformity, and simplicity are three cardinal elements to transcendentalism. Deliberate living is compatible with this philosophy because directing your life based on desire and inclination is necessary to living a life worth living; simplicity is imperative to this ideology because in order to learn about one’s self, you must sometimes live without distractions. Nonconformity is essential to this philosophy because living deliberately takes nonconforming to society to fulfill your longings in life. Simplicity i s imperative to transcendentalism because one has to live in simplicity, without distractions, in order to get know one’s self. Chris McCandless was a firm believer in those three qualities; Hell, he lived in the Alaskan bush for months with only a gun, clothes, and a whit of equipment. Though McCandless did not follow through safely with his desire to live deliberately, simply, and in a nonconformist way, he was a transcendentalist; McCandless advocated those ideas by living by them, and he also agreed thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer1106 Words   |  5 PagesTaste of Adventure Changing your life should not be to run away from your problems; but to do what is best for you. In Into the Wild (1996), Jon Krakauer writes this biographical novel in order to inform readers about a young man named Chris McCandless, who changes his name to Alexander Supertramp, and his identity. Raised in a middle class family with both parents in the suburbs located in Washington, D.C. McCandless is an idealist, intellectual young man who graduated with honors from Emory UniversityRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer1686 Words   |  7 PagesRebellions can have both a negative and positive outcome not matter what the cause. In the book â€Å"Into the Wild†, written by Jon Krakauer, the character Chris McCandless embarks on a journey of ultimate freedom and exemption. Washington and McCandless are similar because they did something most people would not. They both stepped out of the ordinary society and decided to do what they think is best. For ex ample, Washington led the Continental Army against the great British Empire, and Chris left hisRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Wild By Jon Krakauer1402 Words   |  6 Pageswilderness. The remains were concluded to be those of Chris McCandless, an affluent 20-something from Virginia, who wound up dead following his two-year long self-righteous odyssey. Author Jon Krakauer wrote an article on McCandless for Outside magazine, which later disseminated into a novel titled Into the Wild. At a glance, McCandless and Ellsberg may seem like polar opposites, but after a parsing examination, one can see that they are incredibly similar. Both Ellsberg and McCandless advocated forRead MoreInto the Wild: by Jon Krakauer1186 Words   |  5 Pagessense Krakauers natural liking for McCandless. He was sympathetic to McCandless, based on Krakauers sense of a shared experience in their youth and up until McCandless eventual death and Krakauers perceived near death experience on the Devils Thumb . I believe the author’s main point and perspective was formed from his own experience and relationship with his father. While the situations were basically reversed with Chris not approving of his father and Lewis Krakauer disappointed in Jon for notRead MoreIntrospection in How to Tell a True War Story, and Into the Wild1494 Words   |  6 Pagestext, â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story† Tim O’Brien expresses his thoughts about the true war story and how the war story is changed according to the person who tells it. Jon Krakauer illustrates Chris McCandless’s journey into the Alaskan wilderness and reasons for McCandless’s gruesome death in an isolated place, in his book â€Å"Into the Wild.† O’Brien relates introspection and a soldier’s war story by saying that the war story portrays the feelings of a soldier. A soldier’s war story is not the exact warRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Into the Wild1669 Words   |  7 Pag esLiterary Analysis of Into The Wild Imagine spending thirty days alone in a tent or a cabin in the wilderness with no technology, electricity, running water, and any form of communication. Every day you wake up to the sight of the beautiful, tall trees and the various wildlife living in the area. Most of the time, you can hear the many sounds of nature: the majestic songs of birds, the whistling in the wind, and trees rustling. But sometimes all you can hear is nothing but silence. Most of usRead MoreJon Krakauer Is A Popular American Author1393 Words   |  6 PagesJon Krakauer is a popular American author. Most of his work covers the ventures of outdoor. The harsh conditions of life, faced by the heroic figures of different times. His widely read and distributed books include Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman, Under the Banner of Heaven, Into Thin Air and Into the Wild. After winning the title of bestseller for his earlier account of heroic lives, Jon Krakauer again attempted to write a biography of an outstanding and exceptionally patrioticRead MoreAnalysis Of Chris Mccandlessness In Into The Wild870 Words   |  4 Pagespleasure, and fulfilled his lust for adventure, by tramping around the United States. Rather than living the normal life in civilization, Chris felt his love for nature stated when he abandons his family and lives off the land. Jon Krakauer, the author of Into the Wild wrote the book about Chris McCandless aka Alex Supertramp when he died of starvation in the Alaskan wilderness and made headlines. People around the country voiced their opinion on Chris, some believing him to be brave while others a foolRead MoreEssay on Mountains More Dangerous than Everest1156 Words   |  5 Pagesmountains. Sherpas can function high altitudes, which makes them valuable when they carry climbers bags to the camps for them. Jon Krakauer, a climber of Everest during the 1996 disaster, mentioned that he had to chop ice for three hours without help to use for a dozen gallons of water and some of his teammate would shout for more (157). It was at this point that John Krakauer realized how much the Sherpas did for expeditions. Everest also has a limit on the amount of people per expedition so that overcrowdingRead MoreThe Wild And Ambitious Journey Of Chris Mccandless1202 Words   |  5 PagesInto The Wild Analysis Alexander Supertramp: Personification of Courage The story Into The Wild details the spiritual and ambitious journey of Chris McCandless. Chris McCandless is depicted by the author Jon Krakauer as an individual who grew tired of the social perceptions and all the flavorless interactions that occupied it. Despite the career path that was laid in front of him, McCandless sought something more than what materialism had to offer; He sought enlightenment. Due to the cause that

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Calometry Lab free essay sample

Volume of water in the calorimeter:| 26. 0 mL| 26. 0 mL| 26. 0 mL| 26. 0 mL| Initial temperature of water in calorimeter:| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| Temperature of hot water and metal in hot water bath:| 100. 5 Â °C| 100. 5 Â °C| 100. 5 Â °C| 100. 5 Â °C| Final temperature reached in the calorimeter:| 31. 6 Â °C| 34. 8 Â °C| 33. 1 Â °C| Â  34. 5 Â °C| Part I: Part II: Metal:| Metal A| Metal B| Metal C| Mass of metal:| 15. 262 g| 25. 605 g| 20. 484 g| Volume of water in the calorimeter:| 24. mL| 24. 0 mL| 24. 0 mL| Initial temperature of water in calorimeter:| 25. 2 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 2 Â °C| Temperature of hot water and metal in hot water bath:| 100. 3 Â °C| 100. 3 Â °C| 100. 3 Â °C| Final temperature reached in the calorimeter:| 27. 5 Â °C| 32. 2 Â °C| 28. 0 Â °C| Part 12: Part I: 1. Calculate the energy change (q) of the surroundings (water) using the enthalpy equation qwater = m ? c ? ?T. We can assume that the specific heat capacity of water is 4. 18 J / (g ? Â °C) and the density of water is 1. 00 g/mL. qwater = m ? c ? ?T m = mass of water = density x volume = 1 x 26 = 26 grams T = T(mix) T(water) = 38. We will write a custom essay sample on Calometry Lab or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 9 25. 3 = 13. 6 q(water) = 26 x 13. 6 x 4. 18 q(water) = 1478 Joules SPECIFIC HEAT: qmetal = -205 J = 15. 363 g X c X (27. 2 100. 3 C) c = 0. 183 J/gC PART2. Using the formula qmetal = m ? c ? ?T, calculate the specific heat of the metal. Use the data from your experiment for the metal in your calculation. q(water) = q(metal) q(metal) = 1478 Joules q(metal) = m ? c ? ?T m = 27. 776 g ?T = T(mix) T(metal) ?T = 38. 9 100. 5 = 61. 6 C = q(metal) / m x ? T C = -1478 / (-61. 6 x 27. 776 ) C = 0. 864 J / (g ? Â °C) Part 3: 12: For #1 theres a specific heat of 0. 864 J / (g ? Â °C) and that is closest to the specific heat of aluminum. So, for this experiment, lets call your metal aluminum. Now, the percent error formula is this: |experimental actual value divided by actual value| x 100 (|0. 864 0. 900| / 0. 900) * 100 = 4. 00 % For #2, you got 0. 183 J/gC. Comparing it to my list, I would recommend some sort of tin or cobalt meltal. 3. 9(. 39-. 39)x100%)/. 39 = 0% So there is a 0% error. It makes sense, given that the experimental results were THE SAME as the known value. Its the same. There is no error. 4. The easiest error reason is that the calorimeter wasnt a perfect insulator. This is because you must have opened the calorimeter when you added the cold water. Thus, heat was lost not only to the cold water but to the surrounding environment. Also, you might not have waited long enough for the thermometer to read, so the temperature of the hot water was lower than it really was, or the temperature of the cold water was warmer than it really was. Another possible source of error is the increase in heat by stirring due to increased kinetic energy.

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Easter Parade Review Essay Example

The Easter Parade Review Paper Essay on The Easter Parade Classic is a classic, thats it. And let it be, and the 20th century. The author of this I discovered thanks beckoning inscriptions on the book, saying the greatest American writer of the 20th century .I certainly did not believe it, but the book still bought.  «Easter Parade captures the very first page. However, on top of tragedy no tie did not foretell. The average American family, We will write a custom essay sample on The Easter Parade Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Easter Parade Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Easter Parade Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer everyday girls problem, it is standard for all women desire. But, until such time as the track two sisters are not separated in different directions. one in the direction of education, the other in the direction of hearth ». Which option as you seem to be able to provide in the future a good life? to you vybrali- not you make a mistake After reading, I am reminded that there is a Sufi parable, or what that old saying, :.  «who is not entered into lock- wants to get there, who in the castle- wants to go out .Takova human nature. So in the book -ploho and there and there. I have a question: At what stage of life, we need to take control of events in their own hands? Should we let control over events? After all, Yates, it turns out that taking his life under control is extremely difficult. It is very difficult to catch that moment, and when the fact is your life derailed The author has a unique gift to transfer the relationship between people and the unsaid, which we usually silent to translate the pages of books The language of the narrative is very simple, easy to read, but not primitive. I recommend definitely to Russian classics masterpiece Yeats far, he hardly even worthy of dusting with boots Dostoevsky, but the book is in the spirit of the time, easy to read, swallowed in one night, leaving the after taste and different thoughts in my head.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Gavroche GavrocheGavroche might no be the protagonist of this novel, but nevertheless, his presence through the plot is essential for many reasons.At the begging when we meet Gavroche it appears to the reader that he is just a simple character who would not have much transcendence in the novel, the only thing that he was suppose to do was to tell Marius where Cosette lived.The novel continues and Gavroche reappears in the novel with a more important role in the plot. Gavroche is shown as a little boy who fights alone to survive because he has no family, he lives in a monument in a shape of an elephant and sometimes he has to steal things to sell them so he has something to eat.Poor is a characteristic of this character but he is poor only in the aspects money because he a person who has a big heart who is always willing to give away what he has to others.Gavroche

Monday, February 24, 2020

The role of race and class in the antebellum south Research Paper

The role of race and class in the antebellum south - Research Paper Example Elite white southerners viewed the change as an abolition of slavery (Fertig, 95). They believed that slavery was necessary to promote the new economy established. As such, they implemented codes that disallowed the ability for African-Americans to own or lease land, sing labor contracts, serve on juries, to vote, and testify against whites in a court of law. African-Americans did not have access to public schools whereas orphans were returned to their native countries. The elite southerners attempted to create a new economy and society because they had a comparative advantage in the production of cotton. The slaves, free blacks, and poor whites felt inferior after such a change. They believed that their providence of habits did not match that of the elite whites. As such, the notion of being inferior had a permanent defect of character that would gradually enslave them if they were to remain in such a state (Valdez,

Saturday, February 8, 2020

EARLY US HISTORY Bacons Rebellion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EARLY US HISTORY Bacons Rebellion - Assignment Example I have come to understand the changes that major events such as Bacon’s Rebellion have brought to Virginia. The history of this place is very interesting as it will help you understand major events that took place here and appreciate Virginia more. I have come to understand life here in Virginia very differently. In colonial Virginia, people used to suffer from a lot of problems such as high taxes and low prices for tobacco. The colonial times were very difficult for many people in Virginia. Those who got along well with the governor during those years, Sir William Berkeley, got special privileges, which was quite unfair to the rest of the people. These privileges were irregular because they were only accorded to those who were close to the governor. The governor also appeared to have failed in defending the region against the frequent attacks by Native Americans. These attacks led to mass deaths, as well as massive loss of property. The region was characterized by a disorganized political framework. Berkeley did not do enough to deal with the safety of the people he was in charge of protecting. The Bacon’s rebellion was a revolt organized by Nathaniel Bacon in 1976 in colonial Virginia to protest against the problems that were being experienced in Virginia at that time. Bacon was determined to bring the rule of Governor Berkeley to an absolute end. His efforts were aimed at bringing to the attention of the government the fact that all social classes needed to be treated equally and with dignity. Bacon’s rebellion led to a better Virginia that is seen today. The region had serious problems of racism which saw the blacks and whites engaged in constant conflicts. However, during the rebellion, the blacks and whites joined hands to oppose the rule of Governor Berkeley. The ruling class was really threatened by this unity because it was something that had

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Unknown Citizen Explication Essay Example for Free

The Unknown Citizen Explication Essay Several conflicts are dramatized in The Unknown Citizen, the most prominent being: conformity of the middle class, government manipulation, and the loss of individualism to the standards of an average citizen. The speaker of this poem is non-traditional as the poem is, in fact, an inscription on a â€Å"marble monument erected by the State. † The inscription is dedicated to a â€Å"JS/07 M 378†Ã¢â‚¬â€presumably, â€Å"The Unknown Citizen,† although this term only appears in the title. The Unknown Citizen is essentially an elegy, a lament for the dead, written by either a government official or a strong believer in the government. This becomes clear through the speaker’s repeated use of possession, such as in line 12, â€Å"†¦our Social Psychology workers found†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"Our researchers into public opinion are content†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (22). These references establish the poem’s criticism of government manipulation and very closely mirror the same notions within the novel 1984. The speaker offers insight into just how severe this government infiltration is, mentioning an active â€Å"Bureau of Statistics† (1), a â€Å"Health-card† administered to all citizens (17), and personal information drawn from â€Å"†¦reports on his conduct†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3). Another conflict that arises within the poem is that of a dominating middle class. The author defines the â€Å"Modern Man†Ã¢â‚¬â€which is also capitalized to represent a distinct faction—as one who possesses all the â€Å"necessities,† including: â€Å"a phonograph, a radio, a car, and a Frigidaire† (21). The poem becomes almost satirical here. The speaker continues, â€Å"He was married and added five children to the population†¦the right number for a parent of his generation† (25-26). The poet outlines society and the government’s idea of the ideal middle class modern man, however, with much irony. Regardless, with this elegy, the author intends to praise the life of the unknown citizen, but succeeds only in detailing the fact that his life was undisruptive and that he closely followed the expectations of a rigid society. Among his â€Å"praises,† for example: â€Å"When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went† (24). In this, it becomes clear to the reader that you do not want to be an average citizen; you do not want this to be your elegy. Some critics argue this, however, as Auden stating that there is nothing disgraceful in being unknown. The poem is, above all, a satire of the way conformity hinders the individual and leaves ridiculous and solely external distinctions between human beings. Auden presents an allegory in The Unknown Citizen that begins even before the poem itself. The phrase â€Å"Unknown Citizen† appears only once—in the title. This term is an immediate allusion to and parody of the â€Å"Unknown Soldier,† especially considering the details of who the poem is dedicated to and the fact that it is found on a marble monument, much like those one might expect to see in Washington, D. C. here the United States is home to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The â€Å"Unknown Solider† is a soldier who cannot be recognized after being found in battle. This sometimes-controversial idea can be interpreted to mean that many people die as unknowns because they lived uninfluential lives. Aside from this large allegory, the poem uses only a few rhetorical devices. In line four, for example, â€Å"†¦in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint† is quite an exaggeration because being â€Å"one against whom there was no official complaint† is hardly saintly (2). Another example, in line 20, is â€Å"†¦had everything necessary to the Modern Man. † If this were not an exaggeration, it would be extremely disturbing to agree that all one needs are the classic symbols of a squeaky-clean 1930s home: a car, a radio, and a refrigerator. This 1930s theme continues in two particular allusions. In line eight, it is written that the citizen was employed by â€Å"Fudge Motors, Inc. † which closely resembles the automobile giant of both then and now, Ford Motors, Inc. , but is, through â€Å"fudge,† slightly more appealing. Next, in line 18, are mentions of the groups â€Å"Producers Research† and â€Å"High-Grade Living† which are likely allusions to Consumer Reports and Good Housekeeping, respectively. Both U. S. publications are tokens of a middle class, â€Å"perfect† society. The Unknown Citizen consists of both patterned meter and rhyme, however, both are inconsistent. The meter is loosely anapestic, meaning that each metrical foot consists of two unstressed beats followed by a stressed beat. Line one is an example of such: â€Å"He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be. † Other anapestic lines are scattered throughout the poem. The rhyme scheme begins as ABAB and then, in line 9, proceeds for some time in rhyming couplets. These patterns are occasionally broken, however. Consistent or not, this rhyme does create a sort of melodious sound while reading. Some lines even resemble the simplistic and song-like style of nursery rhymes. For example: â€Å"Yet he wasn’t a scab or odd in his views/ For his Union reports that he paid his dues† (9-10). This type of sound is rather merry and is a stark contrast to the less-than-celebratory subject matter, which is yet another development of irony. The poem, because of how it rhymes, is also highly particular, almost robotic or even â€Å"perfect,† which parallels to the citizen’s â€Å"perfect† life. Auden completes the poem masterfully by leaving two questions on the monument— questions that any reader would beg after such an elegy. The speaker asks â€Å"Was he free? Was he happy? † and is immediately defensive upon answering, an obvious tone shift. Although the speaker insists that â€Å"had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard† (29), it is impossible to trust a government that erects expensive marble statues in honor of nothing more than numbers, statistics, and the status quo.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Oedipus The King Sophocles :: Oedipus Rex, Sophocles

THE GREEK THEATRE 2) Is Oedipus a Tragic Hero? Answer this question demonstrating specific understandings of the concepts of Tragedy and the Tragic Hero. In the Greek play, â€Å"King Oedipus† written by Sophocles, certain characteristics, which determine the traits of a tragic hero, reveal themselves as the play unfolds. These traits enable readers to enjoy a more enhanced reading of the play and also serve to evoke a particular response from the reader. Readers acknowledge that King Oedipus is a tragic hero because he is he is an important and influential man. He isn’t just looked up to because he’s the king; he is genuinely admired and respected from the people of Thebes who come to seek comfort and advice from Oedipus, the â€Å"wisest in the ways of the gods.† This is demonstrated in the opening of the play when King Oedipus appears and is concerned about what ‘his’ people are worried about. Readers acknowledge King Oedipus’ wisdom and love; â€Å"I would willingly do anything to help you.† Through this quote readers respond favorably towards this character as readers are aware that King Oedipus actually genuinely cares about his people and Thebes as he steps down from the throne and makes the effort to correspond with the people and get to the bottom of the dilemma. King Oedipus can also be classified as a tragic hero because he is not perfect but most certainly has tragic flaws, one of them being excessive hubris and self- righteousness and he refuses to believe anyone who doesn’t agree with himself. This is evident in the beginning of the play when Teiresias and Oedipus are debating about who killed Laios. Hence readers are aware through the following quote, â€Å"Do you think you can say such things with impunity?† that King Oedipus has a strong passion for the truth and high moral standards. As the play progresses further, King Oedipus’ hubris becomes more prominent as he is determined to find out about his birth no matter what the cost is. Oedipus’ search for the truth leads him to the discovery that he isn’t a â€Å"child of luck† but, â€Å"a man of misfortune† which of course horrifies him as he learns that at birth he was nailed to the top of a mountain top and was considered to be of low standing social class. King Oedipus’ pride seems to be more injured as he went to such great depths to discover the truth – only to discover that he was born of low class.

Monday, January 13, 2020

History Essay

To what extent was England dominated by Spain and the serving of Spanish interests during the reign of Mary When Mary decided upon making Spain a close ally in 1554 through the marriage of herself and Philip II of Spain, she took special precaution to not give the superpower too much authority over England. Despite that Lord Chancellor Gardiner and the House of Commons petitioned Mary to consider marrying an Englishman, after they feared that England would be relegated to a dependency of Spain, this fear in many cases came true. Philip viewed the marriage as entirely political and his second visit to England was clearly only due to wanting involvement in England, Spanish interests in England were helpfully reinforced through the marriage and Mary’s foreign policy, subsequently making England a Spanish pawn. However arguments to indicate that England was not dominated by Spain are also clearly noticeable, as Mary received her own advantages out of the marriage with Philip and assured Spain of the little authority Philip would receive through the terms of agreement. The marriage between Mary and Philip which he viewed to be entirely political and leaving Mary to defer heavily on Philip allowed him to also enjoy titles and honours for as long as their marriage should last. All official documents, including acts of parliament were to be dated with both their names, parliament was to be called under the joint authority of the couple and coins were to show the heads of both Mary and Philip. As well as Philip as a figure receiving authority in England, other advantages also lead to Spain being able to use England for Spanish interests. Involving England in the Hapsburg-Valois conflict, they made England into a ‘submissive satellite around the Hapsburg power’; this finally led to the loss of precious Calais for England after there was limited assistance in defence of Calais. Philips coincidental investment in the English navy led to huge advantages as he could consequently use this for his own benefit, and his communication with the Netherlands. This could perhaps be seen as pre-planned by Philip and therefore strongly suggesting Spain was using England for its benefit wherever its interests lay. Other examples are obvious of Philip taking advantage of English involvement, and this can be seen at the Siege of St Quentin, where 5,000 Englishmen joined 70,000 Spanish. Philips forces broke through French defence and the English support was made to seem more important than it was, in fact English troops were not actually needed at all. Overall England can be seen as doing exactly as Spain wished and Spain doing as they thought themselves necessary, the English cleared the channel for Phillip as he wished and Philip only visited England when he required England’s involvement, the marriage appeared completely one sided as Mary showed reliance on Phillip and heavily on Spanish advisors. Alternative views can also be noticed, as England received huge advantages through the alliance with Spain and perhaps gained just as much if not more than Spain had. The marriage with Phillip increased Mary’s Spanish inheritance, Philip was heir to vast territories in continental Europe and the New World and upon marriage Mary became Queen of Naples and titular Queen of Jerusalem. It was obviously clear to Mary that she was in need of a husband and an heir, in this case Philip was providing both, he had already one son from his first marriage and this proved him a good breeder so subsequently benefited Mary hugely and her security in England. Alternative support and security was also established upon the alliance as Henry II had strong Scottish support he was always a threat to England as he wanted Calais, however Mary alone would seem an easy target, but aligned with Spain she appeared stronger. We must also notice that Mary’s tactical approach to the terms of the marriage agreement left her in a very safe position. If no heir was secured or Mary died, neither he or his heirs would have any claim to the throne of England, Philip was to receive the title of King and rule as joint sovereign but he had no sovereign authority. He could not promote foreigners to hold office in England but he must uphold the laws of England. Those in Spain felt that Philips honour had been disparaged and it’s probable that Philip felt the same, however Mary was left safe and secure with the ability to use Spain as she wished. Mary was able to secure England’s main commercial outlet with the Netherlands and could use Spanish help if necessary against political instability, overall English security increased hugely and the benefits were clearly noticeable, proving in fact England was not dominated by Spain and Spanish interests and Mary’s own interests were not left abandoned. In conclusion, both arguments provide fair points and an equal understanding of advantages and disadvantages for each monarch due to the Spanish alliance; however the view that England was a Spanish pawn is a weak one. It is obvious England played along with the serving of Spanish interests but Mary still upheld authority and power, she only behaved to Spanish wishes to keep the alliance strong and secure. This did not necessarily mean that England was dominated and under Spanish dependency. Mary had a necessity to marry and produce an heir, this was an expectation she was forced to follow, and subsequently Phillip filled this position and secured many other insecurities which needed to be attended. Consequently England possessed access to numerous things; Spanish inheritance, Charles V as an ally, England’s main commercial outlet with the Netherlands, access to Spanish Atlantic treasure and political stability. Overall England received increasing security and benefits from the alliance with Spain, proving England not to be dominated by Spain but using Spain to it’s advantage equally as much.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Importance of Preserving Traditional Family Values to...

We live in a culture where we fear each other, hate each other, and even kill each other. How bad do things in our culture have to get before we stop and look at what brought us to this place? I believe that a key part of the answer to that question lies in the family. Although I know there are many good single parents in our culture I want to draw focus to the traditional family as I write this. If we look up the definition of the traditional family we find that it is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children. Since time began this was how the family was meant to be. A mother and father jointly raising their offspring with their values and beliefs so that those offspring would then continue to improve their†¦show more content†¦Co-director of the National Marriage Project, Barbara Doafoe Whitehead found that Psychologist and Researcher â€Å"Judith Wallerstein challenged the earlier notion that divorce is healthy for kids† (322). Wallerstein went on to do a study of middle-class families who had gone through a divorce (322). What she found was â€Å"Almost half of the children in the study entered adulthood as worried, underachieving, self-deprecating, and sometimes angry young men and women† (322). This helps us see that when mothers and fathers stay together they have more of an opportunity to raise their children with the love, values, and self-worth needed to succeed with resorting to hate and crime. Having a pleasant and sincere family can also create a support system that will help us with our daily struggles in life. The support we get from family can help us succeed in many ways. I know from personal experience that the support I receive from my family has given me the determination to go back to school, as a result, contributing to our culture when I graduate. Although I have considered it many times throughout the years, if it were not for the guidance and persuasion of my family I never would hav e had the confidence to follow through with those thoughts. The encouragement we get from ourShow MoreRelatedThe Decline Of Marriage And Family Life1347 Words   |  6 PagesThe concept of a traditional American family has been profoundly changed over the last 100 years. Fewer marriages are forming, divorce rates are higher than ever, and childlessness is much more common. The decline of marriage and family life seems to be the inevitable product of progressive ideas and modern socio-political conditions. Feminist and contemporary liberal critics of marriage and family life appeal to individual rights, liberty, consent, equality, and love as they seek to dismantle andRead MoreTraditionally, A Common Hmong’S Custom Is That A Soul Can1180 Words   |  5 Pagesbody and a shaman possesses power to control spiritual forces. 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